

Another visitor's controller added
Darren S. has sent in pictures of his very recently completed control panel.  Darren bought a custom single-player panel from me, with two special requests: he wished the joystick to be on the right side, and that the carriage bolt tops were not visible.  He had been playing cross-handed and was ready for a change back to the way he was most comfortable with.  Once he received the panel, he took the insides of a SF Anniversary stick, along with a Happ 360 stick, and enclosed them within the panel.  More information can be found on Darren's forum and on my Visitor's page.


Another Project Added
While doing some digging through archive folders on my PC, I rediscovered a document that showed how I fixed the problem of my X-arcade becoming dislodged during heavy game play.  At my house, this only occurred when one specific individual would play (Orv!).  Inevitably he would jerk the controller to his side during one of his X-Men vs. StreetFighter beatings.  As this was not desirable, a fix was made before the next party.

This information has helped some people in the past so I figured it was time to finally add it to the Projects page.