

Happ 2.25" Trackball
I finally made some time to replace the rollers and ball in a used Happ 2-1/4" trackball I won on ebay a while back.  The trackball was in terrible shape when purchased, but the seller had thoughtfully included a sparkling new trackball and three new rollers.  I have discussed the specifics in a bit more detail as well as including a number of photos for your enjoyment.  Check it out on the Projects page.   


Ongoing projects
One item that is currently in research mode is an enhancement to my WAWI/Winamp Wireless jukebox.  As the application is web-based, I still need to be in front of a PC to change songs or modify playlists.  I would like, at minimum, the ability to change songs via a simple remote.  Optimally I would use a wireless Palm but that would be too easy... and expensive as I would like to have remotes in several common rooms.  There are a number of IR solutions but those require line-of-sight to the MP3 server; again, not an option.  With luck, I'll find a low-budget solution and let all of you know the details.

Coach pitch baseball
ArcadeCab has again sponsored a local youth ball team.  Within the next two weeks their tee shirts will be ready and I'll post a picture of one of them.  ArcadeCab will again be offering 10% off all purchases for any ArcadeCab player or member of their immediate family.

Made it out to the links for the first time this season yesterday and discovered that Tiger Woods on the cab does not translate into an improved round in the 'real world.'  I guess as long as you enjoy yourself...


It certainly has been a while since the last update.  I'm not currently working on any new project,  just making the occasional trip into the shop to complete an order or two.  The weather has changed here to a glorious Spring and it is now yard work time.  Despite the frequent trips to Lowes, I haven't made it to the lumber area in the last couple weeks.  Anyway...

I've upgraded video cards in the cabinet as my main machine's card decided to check out.  Cab's card went to the main machine and the cab got a shiny new 256 MB card from NewEgg.  It's an Nvidia Geforce FX5200 and I love it.  Tiger Woods plays much more smoothly now.  The enhanced graphics combined with the upgraded trackball means that many, many rounds have been since played.  Sometime in the next week I'll have to see if this experience has helped my real golf game any.  


Trackball update
Saturday I finally got around to making a needed change to my personal control panel.  The trackball has required some attention for a while and Saturday was the day.  I installed a trackball with GroovyGameGear's replacement encoder wheels.  I am duly  impressed.  Check out the full 'review' of them on my Projects page.