How to install Mamewah v.1.62b13
This page is for person's looking for simple help to get the newest release
of Mamewah (as of July 11, 2007) up and running. Version 1.62 significantly changed the
structure of Mamewah's folders from the previous releases.
I have shown how to set it up using my personal configuration as an example. For
instructions on how to install older versions, feel free to refer to my
Mamewah installation guide.
Install Mamewah
Download the system files zip and the Mamewah installation down from
Mamewah's site;
You can also download the zip file from a
copy on my
site. What I have further done is to create a zip file of all
the changes I describe in this document. In other words, it is my
setup if you want to just start wit hit rather than the download from
Mamewah's site. If you do, download
My Mamewah 1.62b13 setup.
2) Follow the directions and install the system files (if needed);
3) Do the same
with the Mamewah download. To make things easy to understand, I named
the folder MAMEWAH_1.62B13.
Now we will examine the folders Mamewah has installed and
begin changing them.
The default directory structure of C:\MAMEWAH_1.62B13.
can see how my default Mamewah folder structure is set up to the left.
If you've worked with previous releases of Mamewah, you'll notice the number
of folders has been greatly reduced.

Before explaining the changes, I'll remind you of my MAME
setup. As a reference, my MAME installation folder layout is
included to the right. (
Click it for a larger image) You
want to ensure you have a copy of the
Windows Command-line Mame executable in this
directory (C:\MAME\). This can be downloaded from
(top of the list). Mamewah requires the DOS
version of MAME in order to work. You can now copy my
mame.ini file to C:\MAME\. Once you
download this file,
you must change the file name to mame.ini as it is
not named that way at present. That is all you need to set
up for the Mame folder. (Update- You might not need Mame.ini in order
for your setup to work. It has specific settings that I use that you
might benefit from.)
Specific file changesThe following describes some of the major
changes I made to get my installation to work. The files being
described already have the changes made and can just be downloaded and used
immediately. I'll again mention the
Mamewah 1.62b13 setup zip
file you can download.
I changed
safe_mode to 0 which makes the layouts fullscreen, and
show_cursor to 0 as there is no need to see the pointer when scrolling
through the game lists. In
MAMEWAH_1.62B13/config/mame/mame.ini I changed
rom_folder_vs_listinfo as I use mame v. 92, and
artwork_image_paths to
c:\mame\snap;c:\mame\marquees. That is another change in this
release: there is only a single artwork path entry, and you need to just
string all your artworks, in order, separated by semi-colons.
I needed to add key values to NEXT_EMULATOR and
PREVIOUS_EMULATOR. More on this further on.
That was really the big files to modify.
LayoutsNext off, we'll tackle Mamewah's layout(s). I used the same
Mamewah layout I've had since
the end of 2005. You'll certainly wish to use your own layout, but
this should give you an idea where to place your own files. Some of
the most popular questions to me have been ones related to layout files.
Starting with version 1.62 the emulator layouts
need to be
in their own folders, beneath
config/. As you can see below, I have
Atari2600 and
mame99 folders. This
new format initially confused me until it finally clicked, then it made a
lot of sense. It'll be far easier to debug as you add emulators with
all the files associated with each one in the same folder.
When you look in the config folder, you see the three
emulator folders as well as the all-important
mamewah.cfg file.
By default Mamewah does not enable moving easily from one emulator to
another. I added the capability using the NEXT_EMULATOR and
PREVIOUS_EMULATOR variables that have been added in the new release. I
will tell you it took me a good half-hour to figure out why it wasn't
working. I hope this saves you the same headache.
All the emulator folders are setup pretty much exactly the
same. As most of you are most interested with the MAME folder, I'll
detail that. Within each you include the Mamewah layout you wish to use (
along with the images associated with it. My example below shows me
main.jpg (the background
logo.jpg (my
marquee), and
(background used when you click the admin screen in Mamewah). You also
need a
mame.ini (or [emulator].ini). The
mame.lst file will be created
by Mamewah to show all the games you have for that emulator. The game
folder is created by Mamewah and you need not worry about creating it
If you create a new layout using the MAMEWAH Layout
application, just save all the parts to the correct emulator folder.
Very simple. You'll also want to add all your artwork paths to
artwork_image_paths in your [emulator].ini file.
Adding Additional EmulatorsYou'll note that the Atari2600 folder is very similar to the
mame folder. I have included a
message.jpg (for error messages in
Mamewah). My Atari setup is the
Z26 setup I detail elsewhere on the site.
When you add any other emulators, you follow the same
procedure: Create the emulator's folder name below /
What I found the easiest to do then is copy the files from the mame folder,
and then just change mame.ini to the
emulator_name.ini (ie:
Atari2600.ini). You'll then need to make specific changes to the .ini
file to point to where your roms, etc are located.
The best resource for the many, many emulators out there is
CPViewer site.
He has the Mamewah 1.62 layouts as well as the .ini files for each emulator.
You would just need to come up with the roms and snaps, etc, to get each
emulator fully operational.
Test SetupYou should now be ready to test your installation. If
you followed this setup, everything should work correctly now. You
will be taken to your Mame game screen first. It will more than likely
be empty. Just go into the Mamewah menu (Player 2 start button), click on
Games List Options, then
Generate List. This will create
your list and you should now see all the games listed. You'll need to
do this for each of the emulators you set up.
All DoneEverything should now to set up and ready
to go. You can read the Mamewah docs for the description of what
button does what, but the basics are:
Player 1 Start- Starts the game that is highlighted.
Player 2 Start- Enters Mamewah's menu system. Player 1
Coin- Cycles through the current emulator's various subsets (All
Games, Favorites, and Most Played) Player 2 Coin- Cycles
through your available emulator list (Mame, Atari 2600, PC Games) |
I hope this set up has helped you. Mamewah is really
quite easy to set up but you can be tricked up with some of the small
details. I was able to get everything setup in less than an hour. There were significant changes to the folders since version
1.61 but it appears more sensible to me than before. It is certainly
less confusing when adding a new emulator.
My files

ScreenshotArchive - Help pages, MAMEWAH Layouts, and screenshots.
CPViewer- Home to
tons of Mamewah layouts and .ini files.